An ode to sun- forged memories from summer holidays past.
Filmed on the volcanic Greek Island of Milos by rising director Luca Werner, ECHOES features Spanish divers Arnau Alberdi, and Bel Gonzalez, alongside model Mame Cheikh Ibra, who together explore the isle's rock formations, the waters that shape them, and the air between, in a contemplative and evocative exploration of youth, nostalgia, and nature's timeless beauty.
"This film is a tribute to those summer memories from childhood that imprint on your mind and stir up when you're seeing the sun rise over the ocean, glimpsing new terrains on holidays, or even when a gentle breeze hits you in a certain way in summer," shares Creative Director Richard Jarman. "It echoes these day dreams you have of holidays, that appear to you as rose-tinted vignettes."
And so, ECHOES is presented as a series of captured moments, like memories, that come and go like travellers on holiday and like youth itself — which may too be fleeting, but which lives on inside and can be brought back to life in the first rays of the day and in the ocean's rhythmic waves. It is in nature that we see the world new, but here too we summon the sun-kissed memories of our youths and remember what it is to feel free and alive.
Creative Director - Richard Jarman
Film Director - Luca Werner
Cast - Arnau Alberdi, Mame Cheikh Ibra and Beltran Gonzalez
Photography - Beltran Gonzalez
Music - Dylan Henner
Executive Production - Studio CNP